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DMV Certificate of Exportation: Is It Required?

January 2, 2018 at 9:25 AM

Shipping your vehicles from the United States is a road filled with rules and regulations. US Customs requires certain procedures to be followed and paperwork to be completed. The destination country you are shipping to also has requirements to be met in order to get your vehicles into the country. Then there is the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) which also requires you to submit a Certificate of Exportation (Reg. 32). But are you required to waste a few hours at the DMV in order to export your car? Not necessarily. 

The primary reason why the DMV wants to require you to submit the Certificate of Exportation is to make sure you have paid all the fees on the vehicles to the DMV. However, what if you purchased a car from a seller who owes fees on it? The DMV expects you to pay it before taking the vehicle overseas.

In addition, it's important to note that the DMV Certificate of Exportation is not actually required by US Customs. While it may be requested by some shipping companies, it is ultimately up to the discretion of the individual company. Therefore, if you do not have the Certificate of Exportation, it may not necessarily prevent you from exporting your vehicle. However, it is always a good idea to check with your shipping company beforehand to see if they require it or not. Regardless, as long as your vehicle is not stolen or has any outstanding liens on it, you should be able to export it without any issues. So don't let the fear of DMV fees hold you back from shipping your vehicle overseas!

So don't waste your time at the DMV trying to settle up someone else's debt. 

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